Minnesota Appellate Courts
Case Management System


Welcome to P-MACS - the case management system of the Minnesota Appellate Courts

This is the public access site for the Minnesota appellate courts case management system, known as P-MACS. It provides access to the status of appeals filed with the Minnesota Supreme Court and the Minnesota Court of Appeals.

For cases that were open in either the Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court on March 3, 2003 and later, P-MACS provides the following information about the case: case title, appellate case number, parties, attorneys, docket entries, and links to orders or opinions issued in the case after March 3, 2003. For cases that were archived before March 3, 2003, only case title, case number and abbreviated party information are available.

Filings are processed within one to two business days in the order in which they are received, and are available on PMACS after processing is completed.

As a reminder, if searching for a closed case, you must 'uncheck' the "Exclude Closed/Archived" box.

Not all documents are available for remote viewing. While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information provided through P-MACS is accurate, there are no warranties ensuring accuracy. To verify information obtained from this site, or to obtain appeal information not available on this site, please contact the Office of the Clerk of Appellate Courts 651-291-5297.

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